Monday, June 9, 2008

Code Geass R2 suspends airing for two weeks, resumes on 15/6/2008 - NOT.

因为中国发生的强烈地震,日本MBS电视台和SUNRISE决定将第9话《朱禁城の花嫁》和第10话《神虎 輝く 刻》停播2星期,6月15号恢复播放。



Rough translation:
Due to the earthquake disaster at Sichuan province of China, Japan's TV channel MBS and SUNRISE have decided to suspend airings of episodes 9 and 10 for a period of two weeks, and will resume airing on 15/6/2008.

A very possible reason for this would be because episodes 9 and 10 would be involving the fictionous Chinese Federation from the anime series, which also includes some of its buildings being destroyed in the above episodes; and to pay respects to the unfortunate victims of the earthquakes.

Fuhh, I hope I have done a good job on the translation. Well, two thumbs up to MBS and SUNRISE for doing this, and my sympathy to all those involved in the earthquake.

LOL I just saw Episode 9's raw surfacing out everywhere, so this rumour ain't true at all. Oh well, at least we get our Code Geass back finally.

Just to fill the void.

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