Wednesday, March 26, 2008

2008年 春 アニメ新番組ラインアップ紹介

A 30-minute long video about all the animes coming out this Spring. Hell lot of animes that I have missed out. NicoVideo account needed to view, but signup is easy, just go to NicoVideo and click on 「はじめての方はこちら」and follow my steps.

1. PCメールアドレス is PC Mail Adress.
2. ニックネーム is Nickname.
3. サムネイル is your avatar there.
4. 性別 is obviously your sex, 男性 is male so the other one is obviously female.
5. 生年月日 is your Year, Month and Day of birth.
6. お住まいの都道府県 is your location within Japan. Don't worry, just select その他 way at the bottom.
7. パスワード is your password, 1st box to enter and another box to confirm.
8. 秘密の質問・答え is your secret question, then your answer.
9. 会員タイプ is the membership type. Select the second one.

After all that, wait for the confirmation email. After clicking on the confirmation link, you're all done! Welcome to the world of NicoVideo!

*added another video link, shorter duration but better quality*

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